C.I.P.L.A intends to:

  1. promote, support and organise research and studies of interdisciplinary nature, in relation to issues connected with environmental protection;
  2. identify the necessary scientific support to guarantee the right environmental management in relation to socio-economic dynamics;
  3. promote forms of interdisciplinary and educational scientific cooperation, both at national and international levels, in order to provide those who will be called to carry out work connected with the new form of environmental management with the necessary scientific and professional experience;
  4. promote through interdisciplinary ventures, didactic structures, even in experimental form, aiming at training environmental operators for different responsibility levels;
  5. organise Agreements, study groups, seminars and any other event aimed at developing and promoting environmental awareness and further explore the connected issues;
  6. all the aims above may also be carried out through delivering of services, research, etc., through Agreements with the Ministry of the Environment, public bodies, companies and institutions, in accordance with the current laws.


  1. The Centre has its offices, solely for organisational and administrative purposes, at the University of Perugia. Administrative and accounting management will be governed by the Regulations for administration, finance and accounting of the University in which the Centre has its administrative office.
  2. members belonging to the Centre are professors and researchers working at the universities which have signed the original Agreement, as well as professors and researchers belonging to other universities who will join the C.I.P.L.A. under the procedure governed by art. 4, subsection 7. Those requesting to join C.I.P.L.A. belong to scientific areas interested in environmental issues, such as the following:
    1. Juristic
    2. Economical-Sociological
    3. Natural Sciences
    4. Hygienic-Sanitary
    5. Engineering-Architectural
    6. Historical-Archaeological
    7. Chemistry-Physics

The Assembly, by means of a resolution approved by the majority of its members, may identify other areas or a set of areas. Such resolution will determine the change of the future Articles of Association.

Applications to join the Centre, which will have to be accompanied by an opinion from the Board of the Institution or Department which the professors or researchers belong to, will be subject to approval of the Executive Committee of the Centre itself.


The Centre’s institutional bodies are:

  1. The Assembly
  2. Executive Committee
  3. The Director
  4. The Scientific Board


It is made up of the members listed in art.2, letter b) of the current Articles of Association.

The Assembly is called at least once a year by recorder delivery mail (lettera raccomandata R.R.) sent with at least 7 days notice.

The Assembly resolves by simple majority, with the presence of half of its members plus one, at first convocation; at second convocation, it resolves with the presence of one third of its members. Justified absentees are not considered in calculating the legal number.

Those who do not participate for three consecutive meetings without justifying their absence, will be declared dismissed from the C.I.P.L.A. by decree of the Executive Committee.

The Assembly identifies the programme guidelines of the Centre’s activities, approves its internal Regulations as well as changes to the latter and approves incorporation regulations and the Scientific Board’s functions.

It appoints the members of the Executive Committee. Every area of research under art.2 lett. B) must have its own single appointment.

For each area, only those who belong to it can be elected.

The Assembly resolves on changes to the current Articles of Association as well as on entries of other Universities.

It approves the establishment of Centre Sections and it governs their function with appropriate regulations.


The Centre’s Executive Committee is made of members who are designated by those within the Centre, one for each scientific area as per art.2, as well as one member of the Assembly designated by each University belonging to the Centre.

The Executive Committee holds office for 3 years and appoints the Director.

It is convened by the Director at least three times a year or every time at least three of its members make such request. The call must be given with 5 days notice; in case of emergency, the notice may be reduced to 48 hours, with telegraphic summons.

The Executive Committee resolves by a simple majority and it is established with the presence of at least half of its members plus one; justified absentees are not considered in calculating the legal number.

The Executive Committee:

  1. Approves the Director’s annual reports;
  2. Works out research programmes and approves fund use plans in accordance to the guidelines determined by the Assembly;
  3. Resolves on the acquisition and use of the structures, as well as on management of staff who are seconded or belonging to the Centre;
  4. Puts together proposals for funding requests to the Ministry of Public Education, for that portion of university research budget reserved for projects of important national interest, or to other Public Bodies or Institutions, both public or private;
  5. Resolves on application requests to become part of the Centre. Any exclusion of application requests must be made by motivated decree; periodically revises the list of professors belonging to the Centre, keeping track of express or silent renunciations, of transfers to other Universities, and other facts which may terminate the service relationship with other affiliated Universities.
  6. Suggests, to the Assembly, new Universities subscriptions to the Centre.
  7. Approves the estimated budgets and relative variations and the final statements of account.


He is appointed by the Executive Committee, normally chosen amongst ordinary professors, holds his appointment for 3 years and has the following functions:

  1. legal representation of the Centre;
  2. calls and chairs the Executive Committee and the Assembly;
  3. submits research projects and their financial plans to the Executive Committee for their exam and approval;
  4. annually submits a report, planning the projects and activities carried out by the Centre;
  5. oversees the general functioning of the Centre and carries out all the assignments that relate to the Centre itself. In case of his absence or inability, his functions are carried out by the Vice-Director nominated by the Director himself;
  6. submits by the 30th of November, with the help of the Secretary, the estimated budget and by the 15th of March the final balance sheets together with a detailed report which should include amongst other things:
    • use of funds relating to the ongoing education and research activities;
    • any unexpected needs and adjustments occurred during the year;
    • budget goals reached with regards to the organisational and educational experimentation and with regards to the scientific cooperation as well as activities between departments and inter-university activities.


The Scientific Board is established as a body with counselling roles and scientific support to the Executive Committee.

The Assembly, upon suggestions from the Executive Committee, governs its creation and function.


The Centre’s Administrative Secretary, carries out functions listed under art. 87 of the Regulations for the administration, finance, accounting of the ‘Università degli Studi di Perugia’ and takes part in the Committee’s meeting with advisory vote.


The Centre’s finance, accounting and assets are managed under art.88-105 of the Regulations for the administration, finance, accounting of the ‘Università degli Studi di Perugia’.


The Centre may promote Agreements with Italian or foreign research Bodies which may be interested in its projects. The Centre may benefit from the cooperation of external researchers. Suitable contacts with environmental associations will be guaranteed.